Process Paper

How I Chose My Topic?
     I chose this topic because I knew very little about this debate and I wanted to know more. New information helps me learn more so as I did this project I got more information into my system.
How I conducted My Project?
     This subject was difficult for me to find informantion on, because most of what I found was the same thing except in different word phrases. So since I could find much off of google I used data bases on the school's website. That is when I found more of a varity with the information. Through out this project I learned so much about this debate and how it affected others.
Why I Chose To Do A Website?
    I chose to do a website because I did an exhibit last year, I don't have any interest in typing a process paper or doing a play for this year's topic.
How I Created My Project?
    I went to different websites and data bases to find information.
How My Topic Relates To The NHD Theme?
    Everyone was having a debate on how to treat each other because of their appearance